LDO/ETH @LidoFinance pool just got added. It has a vote for gauge [] (so please vote.

25 Jan 2023, 12:21
LDO/ETH @LidoFinance pool just got added. It has a vote for gauge [https://t.co/WazdZtth2F] (so please vote!) but in the meantime showing some healthy APY in LDO for depositors

Same news in other sources

25 Jan 2023, 15:44
A tx via @paraswap spotted also. Great to have automatic integrations! Upd: 15M liquidity in 1 hour, and @1inch already routes through it (automatically)
A tx via @paraswap spotted also. Great to have automatic integrations.
A tx via @paraswap spotted also. Great to have automatic integrations! https://t.co/rRHEJFteex https://t.co/1cuc47aJ4r Upd: 15M liquidity in 1 hour, and @1inch already routes through it (automatically) https://t.co/gbGndUFXtu https://t.co/bOw3CbMmFF
25 Jan 2023, 14:20
RT @CurveCap: 🧵4/13 Protocols are learning that Curve v2 pools are excellent for launching: * AUTOMATIC: Prices automatically adjust to s…
RT @CurveCap: 4/13. Protocols are learning that Curve v2 pools are excellent for launching:.
RT @CurveCap: 🧵4/13 Protocols are learning that Curve v2 pools are excellent for launching: * AUTOMATIC: Prices automatically adjust to s…
25 Jan 2023, 14:12
Upd: 15M liquidity in 1 hour, and @1inch already routes through it (automatically) LDO/ETH @LidoFinance pool just got added. It has a vote for gauge [https://t.co/WazdZtth2F] (so please vote!) but in the meantime showing some healthy APY in LDO for depositors
Upd: 15M liquidity in 1 hour, and @1inch already routes through it (automatically). LDO/ETH @LidoFinance pool just got added.
Upd: 15M liquidity in 1 hour, and @1inch already routes through it (automatically) https://t.co/gbGndUFXtu https://t.co/bOw3CbMmFF LDO/ETH @LidoFinance pool just got added. It has a vote for gauge [https://t.co/WazdZtth2F] (so please vote!) but in the meantime showing some healthy APY in LDO for depositors https://t.co/NMVLmRI4mH https://t.co/rkT0oLgLlM