We have found some good fees in a dusty corner of the DAO, but since it is decentralized, a vote is needed to extract those.

24 Jan 2023, 11:33
We have found some good fees in a dusty corner of the DAO, but since it is decentralized, a vote is needed to extract those. Fees are in yCrv, T/ETH and pETH pools

Same news in other sources

24 Jan 2023, 11:42
Feels nice when pools have 100%+ utilization and make more fees for the DAO than they take CRV
Feels nice when pools have 100%+ utilization and make more fees for the DAO than they take CRV.
Feels nice when pools have 100%+ utilization and make more fees for the DAO than they take CRV https://t.co/TobIGUBDOV